Actions beyond words...
In 2010 colleagues, family and friends offered fantastic support when I took on the task of running the Berlin Marathon in memory of my Grandpa, Donald Pope DFC, who spent several decades serving with the RAF, most notably during WWII flying hundreds of hours of “Pathfinder” missions in Lancaster Bomber aircraft.
Sadly he passed away just weeks before my first Marathon.
I am not a sentimental individual but as many of you who have lost a close relative will know, some leave behind a real legacy. It is with this inspiration and motivation that I have decided to up the ante in 2012 and take on the challenge of running two Marathons in two consecutive weekends; Paris on 15 April and London on 22 April.
Many think this is a stupid idea. I hope that notion will serve as motivation to relieve those “many” of a few hard earned pounds. The beneficiary was an easy choice. The RAF Association provides friendship and welfare support to serving and ex-serving members of the RAF and their families (people who dedicate their lives to their Country). Each year they help tens of thousands of people by offering a wide range of welfare services that include home and hospital visits from a volunteer field force, short-term convalescent and respite breaks, sheltered housing, resettlement advice and advice on war pensions.
The RAF Association receives no Government funding and they are entirely dependant on the generosity of the public. It is for that reason my travel, accommodation and all other costs associated with participating in these events are coming out of my pocket (with the exception of entry into the London Marathon). It is for the same reason I extend my sincerest thanks for you offering your financial support to RAF Association by giving as generously as you can, within your means.