Thanks for taking the time to visit my page. Some of you know that my life was turned upside down 8 weeks ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The service I received fom the Queen Elizabeth was gold standard. They are raising money for the most up to date mammogram equipment which has the ability to detect more diverse cancers. The machine costs £280000 and so far £210000 has been raised. One of the cancer types I had was not detected on the mammogram machine they have at the moment. This Tomography equipment has the potential to save the lives of a huge majotity of men and women in the North East who may be referred for diagnosis and treatment at the Queen Elizabeth hospital. The amount of men I observed in the waiting room awaiting diaggnosis was phenomenal as most people think of breast cancer as a predominantly female disease.As for me, I'm currently going thru chemo and my prognosis is good and I should make a full recovery, fingers crossed. I would like to thank all my lovely family and friends for helping me over the last 8 weeks. Please give as little or as much as you can. It could be your father, mother, daughter, son, auntie, uncle, friend.....etc thats life is saved by having access to this amazing diagnostic tool one day. Please carry out your monthly breast examinations boys and girls!! Sending much love to you all, Adele xxxx