To raise funds for Cure Crohn's Colitis and Yorkhill, I will be losing my lovely long locks (currently 53cm!) on March 14 2014. This is my nephew Reece’s birthday and he will be turning 14.
Reece is only 1 month older than my youngest son and suffers with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
He is seriously ill and has underwent 20+ major operations because of these diseases and all his treatments are carried out at Yorkhill Children’s Hospital.
He has endured every treatment available and there has been no improvement to his health. The latest treatment has caused peripheral neuropathy (numbness of the hands and feet) as a side effect and he now has difficulty walking as well.
Reece has a little sister aged 8 called Chloe. She has now also stared suffering symptoms too.
There is no cure for Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis and 8,000 new cases diagnosed every year and 10% sufferers are under the age of 18. Through fundraising, research is making progress but more needs to be done.
Reece is one of the bravest boys I know to go through what he does and my hope is that a cure or at least a suitable treatment can be found to reduce the impact and frequency of the surgeries he has had to experience at such a young age. I pray that a cure can be found so that Chloe will not be destined to the same fate as her big brother.
My hair will also be donated to which is a charity that makes wigs for children who need wigs because of cancer treatments, and the person or persons who make the highest donation will also have the honour of giving me the jaggy bunnet (if they want to!)
The charities I will be raising money for are if you would like more information.