Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page. This is such an easy way to give encouragement to people whose personal efforts for charities you wish to support.
Often donors never know exactly how their money is spent.
Any donation you make here will go to ZACCT. The charity will then be able to pass on money to my colleagues(6) and me who are visiting the hospital in September as we respond directly to the needs of the hospital. Our work will be mainly on vital maintenance. Not a glamorous subject, but one which is so often overlooked in such poor countries as Zambia. For instance, we intend to provide lead protection screens to doors in the X Ray Dept. This is proving hard to source in Africa but I am convinced that we will find some. Other needs will no doubt surprise us, but with your help, we and the staff we encourage, will rise to the challenge!
Some photos are below...
Thanks a million, Andrew