Dear friends,
ArtSocial club is supporting Gift of Life - a great charity which gives hope and care to children and young adults with serious deseases. We have already fundraised for treatment of a Oleg Chuikov from Maikop, Russia and now we are raising funds for operation of 16-year old Dasha Grebennikova from Rostov-on-Done who has a tumour on her leg bone which needs to be operated. It's a very complicated procedure and there are only few specialists in the world who can perform it. Dr Ingo Melcher is one of them, his visit to Moscow and operation for Dasha will cost 5000 EUR (3640 GBR). I would like to encourage all of us to join forces and to donate for Dasha's life-saving operation! I believe we could do it!!!
With gratitude to your support,
Alina Uspenskaya
Founder of ArtSocial Club