The Rogers family have been close friends with me for quite some time. They have shown me the great strength of unity which is often disregarded nowadays and their family is something inspirational.
The Adam Rogers Trust was created after their son Adam died at the age of 13 from a Brain Tumour. Adam was a boy who was devoted to his younger brother Felix, who suffers from Downs syndrome.
The Adam Rogers Trust raises funds for the care of children who have cancer. They also raise funds to help adults that have learning difficulties live and work in the community. This is something that I completely stand behind, as everyone deserves a chance to have a proper and equal life to someone who isn't affected by this difficulty. We often forget how lucky we are that there is nothing holding us back from a simple life, and so I ask you to please donate so Cancer can be a thing of the past for these children and let more people experience the wonderful life we take so much for granted.