On 22nd February 2013 it will be the 2 year anniversary of the passing of my Mom (Mrs Barbara Ann Jones). Ever since she died I have said to my Father that I wanted to do a sponsored event to raise funds for the critical care unit at Sandwell District and General Hospital in West Bromwich. My Mom was only in their unit for just over 24 hours but in that time they did everything that they could to help my dying Mom.
As many of my friends will now I have a phobia of sharks which has led to me having a phobia of being in open waters. As part of my 40th birthday celebrations my partner (Daniel Robinson) and I are going to Egypt. Whilst we are out there I have decided to face my fear head on and complete an open water scuba diving course, which as from the title of the course means I will be facing one of my biggest fears. As most of you will know the Red Sea also houses a varity of sharks and whilst my biggest fear is of Great White sharks, there are still sharks within the Red Sea that have the potential to mame or even kill, therefore if I am in the water and one of the sharks decides to make an appearance then I will be facing my biggest fear head on.
Now that you have read what I will be facing and believe me it is going to take a lot of strength for me to do this, I would now like you to make a donation to help me reach my target of £1000. I know that my Mom would be very pleased that you have all given to such a wonderful cause and she'll be pleased that I have faced and my biggest childhood fear.