Hi All,
Over the summer months I've found a few pounds and have put myself back on Cambridge Weight Plan as of yesterday morning to make them disappear again.
At the same time I'd like to raise a few £'s for Cambridge's affiliated charity "Just A Drop".
Over the next week I am going to deduct £1 from the cost of my client's products for every pound they lose on the scales. I will then donate this money to Just a Drop.
In return, I have asked my clients to sponsor me £1 for every 1lb I lose between my weight yesterday morning 11/8/14 and what I lose by Friday 22/8/14.
I will publicly post to Facebook a photo of my scales from yesterday and what they are on 22/8/14.
Please support me in making one final push to raise money for this wonderful charity!
Thank you so much!
Cat x