At the current rate of loss, by 2028 men will have all but disappeared in the UK Church (Religious Trends 5, Brieley 2005)
2013 has been a massive year for CVM. We have grown faster and achieved more than I can remember. Many men have come to faith, and their lives have been transformed by the good news of Jesus.
Our annual camp ‘The Gathering’ was our biggest ever with 1100 men attending, and saw 60 men make a first time commitment to follow the Lord with another 80 finding Him through the Ulster Rugby events in Northern Ireland. Many, many more men have found faith and had their lives changed though the weekly evangelistic men’s groups who meet all around the country in our grassroots network... this is what two of them have said recently :
‘Thanks for all you guys are doing. It is inspiring lots of us and encouraging us.’ Tim (Fareham)
‘CVM is a huge encouragement to me and keeps my shoulders back, head held high and my face ALWAYS towards Jesus.’ Stuart (Sheffield)
2013 has also seen several new partnerships for us including one which will see our grassroots network supporting men as they leave prison. In addition we have produced a Bible for men and several more editions of our Manual Bible reading notes, and are planning some more great new resources for 2014.
We know men struggle with church and living out their faith today. Our vision is to make it much easier.
This is one very practical way we help:
‘I felt moved by the speaker on Sunday to go forward for prayer. He spoke about affirming our wives and supporting them- There are difficulties in our marriage and this session helped me focus on being a better husband and communicating more effectively with my wife.’ Gathering attendee
Of course all this work needs resourcing and that is why your partnership is so vital. To bridge the gap in our finances and end the year well we urgently need £41,000. Our situation is extremely tough, and with no reserve to draw on, future projects are in danger of being cancelled.
Will you partner with us to enable these projects to continue by helping to plug the gap in our finances by the 31st December?
Would you stand with us in our mission to men so we can see more responses like this...
‘One of our group had gone astray for years and possibly never made a real commitment, but as soon as Carl did the call from the front, he shot to the front like he’d been sitting on an ejector seat!’ Gathering attendee
Together we can enable hundreds of thousands of men across the UK to hear, understand and respond to the Gospel.
Please prayerfully consider how you can help us now and make your best gift possible. Wishing you every blessing for a peaceful Christmas and a happy and hope-filled New Year.
Carl Beech
PS: Please respond by the 31st December to enable us to move forward well. Your gift will make a difference. Your partnership is appreciated. Thank you.