We, like many of our fellow citizens, have been deeply moved by the scenes of suffering from Kos to Budapest, Lampedusa to Calais, as desperate families seek sanctuary on European shores. We want to welcome refugees to our country. The British public is making its voice heard and is prepared to play a leading role in helping people rebuild their lives here.
We have a moral responsibility to offer safe haven to people fleeing war and persecution; a responsibility that should be shared with our European neighbours and not simply shouldered by the countries closest to the turbulence driving people from their homes. Whilst we appreciate the UK Government's recent commitments on refugee resettlement, we worry that this is too little, too late. History has shown that Britain can move quickly in times of global emergency. During the First World War this country welcomed half a million Belgian refugees - on some days as many as 16,000 arrivals were supported by local organising committees.
In 2015, our response to Europe’s biggest refugee movement since the Second World War needs to match the scale of the need. Wars, conflict and persecution have forced more people than at any other time since records began to flee their homes and seek refuge elsewhere. Every day last year on average 42,500 people became refugees, asylum seekers, or were displaced within their own country. We believe that the British government can do better, and must do better in its proposals to resettle people seeking safety and peace.
Last week Syrian refugee Abdullah Kurdi asked that the death of his young sons be a "wake up call to the world" after they drowned trying to reach Europe in the hope of a safer life.
In their name, and that of the millions of others displaced from their homes, we urge that the UK Government wake up to the urgency of the current crisis and work with its European counterparts to offer immediate humanitarian help and agree long-term solutions to refugee resettlement.
The funds raised through this campaign will go directly to the Separated Child Foundation to assist Separated Children.