CAP Foundation
We are Community Against Poverty - Help us to empower and inspire the people in need!!
Our aim is not to provide charity but to provide resources to empower, inspire communities for people tobuild, create, and plan for a brighter future.
Our mission is to eradicate poverty, offer education, and facilitate health and welfare by developing innovative and sustainable solutions that enables individuals and families toachieve basic living standards and a life of opportunity.
You can donate any amount towards the following projects
Shelte Accommodation -£1500
Water Well -£350
Sanitation - £200
Medical Aid -£100
Scholarship -£100
Livelihood Project – SewingMachine - £75
Livelihood Project –Rickshaw - £160
First Aid Volunteers Training £100
"Spend (in charity) out of the sustenance thatWe have bestowed on you before that time when death will come to someone, andhe shall say: "O my Lord! If only you would grant me reprievefor a little while, then I would give in charity, and be among the righteous." - The Holy Quran, 63:10
Cap Foundation - Empowering and Inspiring the people in need
Tel: 0203137 3105 | M: 07946 605136
Email: |