This Lent I am going Vegan in support of THE SEED PROJECT.
As some of you may know, I usually go vegan every Lent, and you all have to put up with me whining about how much I want a steak...
It's hard, so this year I have decided to do it in support of the SEED project, which works in the socially and economically disadvantaged communities of Southern Africa, empowering them to be better able to reach their full potential, to identify and help meet their needs, and to participate more fully in society.
So, if you haven’t given something up this year (or if you did but maybe fell off the rails), sponsor me to do it for you! Or you could just sponsor me because you feel like supporting a worthy cause…
Everybody wins!
Here are the rules:
Absolutely NO animal products whatsoever for 40 days.
Absolutely NO alcohol whatsoever for 40 days.
Sundays don’t count (but the days of eating like a rabbit still add up to 40)
Even if you can only spare a small amount it will really make a difference.
If you'd like to help, get involved in raising money by giving something up this Lent - take a look at SEED's Small Change Challenge:
(PS. I've been a little bit late getting this page runnung, but have been a good vegan since Ash Wednesday.)