I've been volunteering there part time since May. The owner is a wonderful woman and has been doing some great work.
ALALA stands for All for Love And Love for All. It is a small charity whose aim is to support orphaned children affected by natural disasters.
See the tree to figure out what your donation could be spent on. I'd love to raise £100, but even more would be amazing!
Why Raw Till 4?
- Was planning on doing "Go Sober For October" but wanted to do something different and more challenging.
- I will be getting the benefits of both foods that are better raw, and foods that are better cooked
- raw foods digest quicker and cooked foods digest slower, so it's better to leave the slow digesting food until the evening/night when you will be less active and/or sleeping
- as it's plant-based, I'll be helping (if only a TINY amount) to reduce deforestation for livestock (#1 cause of global warming - which may increase the number of natural disasters), helping world hunger (grain fed and water given to livestock is enough to feed the entire starving population of the world) and helping animal rights (reducing the demand for the unnecessary usage of animals as commodities).