CoAM and BaCB Festive FUNdraiser supporting the Butterfly AVM Charity.
Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are defects of the circulatory system that are generally believed to arise during embryonic or fetal development or soon after birth. They are comprised of snarled tangles of arteries and veins. Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to the body’s cells; veins return oxygen-depleted blood to the lungs and heart. The absence of capillaries—small blood vessels that connect arteries to veins—creates a short-cut for blood to pass directly from arteries to veins. The presence of an AVM disrupts this vital cyclical process. Although AVMs can develop in many different sites, those located in the brain or spinal cord—the two parts of the central nervous system—can have especially widespread effects on the body.
Grahame has “agreed” to a dress up in fancy dress as a Lion and Simon Carter as a Tiger subject to the following amount of money being raised:
£1,000 - Tiger / Lion Ears - Half day
£2,000 - Tiger / Lion Ears & Tail - Half day
£3,000 - Tiger / Lion Ears, Tail & Paws - Full day
£5,000 - Full Tiger / Lion outfit - Full day
£7,500 - Full Tiger / Lion outfit - Full day and social (public) drink after work (all welcome to join)
£10,000 - Full Tiger / Lion outfit - Including commute, lunch in Miller Street Canteen and St Pauls Drink (all welcome to join)
£15,000 - TBC