When David first visited Rohana Special school in 2005, the conditions he found shocked him. There were no real facilities, inadequate drainage and very little in the way of specialist education materials. With focus, determination and sheer tenancity, David set to make things better. With the help and dedication of many others, Rohana School is today a thriving, happy, enriched school with beautiful facilities and education achievements unsurpassed by deaf students in Sri Lanka .
The school relies on funding and Davids family are very proud of his work there so would like to ensure the school survives and continues David's legacy. David always said, whenever he felt dispondant he would visit the school to be reminded of the great and the good; the children would always lift his spirits. They had a special sign for him, it was a finger and thumb movement across their eyes - sunglasses - David always needed to wear them just incase his pride in the children's achievements and his joy at seeing them thrive got a bit too emotional.
Just before he left us, David was thrilled that Rebuilding Sri Lanka had secured funding for a specialist library which the school have since chosen to name The David Pope library and will
open on 17th June 2015.
We hope you will agree, ensuring the school continues to thrive is a fitting way to honour one of David's many acts of kindness. Thank you for your kind donations. Rohana is an inspiring place and a truly great achievement.