My nephew, Adam, is very disabled and will never run the London Marathon. Honestly, I’m not sure I will be able to finish, but at least I have the chance to give it a go.
Why am I running?
1 Adam
Adam has Pallister-Killian Chromosome 12p Mosaic Syndrome - just call it PKS. He's had it from birth and it means he spends most of his time in a support chair.
2 Adam’s Family
There is nothing my sister's family would not do and nothing they have not done for Adam. His life would be so much more difficult if it were not for the time, effort, patience and love they give him.
3 PhabKids
Phab's aim is to promote and encourage people of all abilities to come together on equal terms, to achieve complete inclusion within the wider community.
Take a look at this short Phab Video:
And here are some of the things Phab have done this past year....
- A Phab group of five joined the Jubilee Sailing Trust voyage from Southampton to St Malo in August for a thrilling experience.
- Phab provided an exciting and challenging weekendaway at Bendrigg Lodge in the Lake District for eight children and eight carers.
- Phab provided two fantastic Skills for Independence weekends at Dukes Barn in the stunning village of Beeley, Derbyshire.
- One magical week in August Phab brought together kids and volunteers from all over the country at Avon Tyrrell in the New Forest.
How can you help?
1 Make a donation to PhabKids – any amount contributes to a better life for kids of all abilities
2 Cheer me on while I train for and ultimately run the Virgin Money London Marathon in April 2016
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