Please help support SHINE in their work with people who have Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. Our first son Nick died 15 years ago this September following medical complications from his Hydrocephalus. He was an exceptionally bright and active boy and his brief 10 years were led to the full... from judo to skiing, playing the guitar and swimming. Despite the passage of time we miss him so much and think of him every day. To commemorate the 15th anniversay of Nick's death I am participating in the "Wiltshire 100" - a challenging 100-mile cycle across the county to raise funds for SHINE The event takes place on 8 September 2013 and will be something of an endurance test for a person of my age and weight!
My aim is to raise as much money as possible for SHINE so I would ask you all to donate whatever you can afford in remembrance of Nick. Please remember to Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK taxpayer as this significantly increases the money the charity receives.
Thank you all for your generosity