SOLACE aims to ensure that no revert sister goes through difficulties in her life unsupported, by providing the holistic support she needs to move forward and by enabling her to strengthen and maintain her faith and closeness to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.
SOLACE was set up in 2010 by a group of sisters who were concerned about the difficulties facing revert sisters both in the short and long term, and their variety of needs. Whilst there are many organisations within the United Kingdom catering for the educational and Islamic needs of revert sisters, there appeared to be a lack of support and provision of services catering specifically for the holistic needs of revert sisters. Recognising the need for an organisation with the aim of supporting revert sisters through their various difficulties led to the creation of SOLACE.
SOLACE is a support service for revert sisters in difficulty, regardless of whether they have been Muslim for 2 weeks or even 20 years; it supports them when they are going through life’s problems alone, suffering in silence, or even no longer enjoying their Islam. SOLACE is there to listen to them, empower them, and develop a mutual personal development plan which is realistic and person centric, and which will help them reach their short and long term goals.
-- AIMS --
Provide a personalised, short and long term support system for revert sisters in difficulty
Provide a safe space for revert sisters to discuss their difficulties in a supportive and confidential environment
Support and empower revert sisters to identify and set realistic goals that are personal to them
Enable sisters to explore their faith as a source of knowledge and comfort in an open and engaging environment
Empower sisters to get the full support that they need by working with a range of diverse supportive services across the UK
Raise awareness of the issues affecting SOLACE service users through internal and external communications with target communities
Assess and analyse the short and long term needs of all service users within their first 3 sessions
Create a personal progress plan for service users to be used to support and monitor progress in all sessions
Provide contact details for relevant external service providers, for support on issues beyond the scope of SOLACE
Provide faith based support through carefully designed programs
Develop skills of SOLACE volunteers to fully support service users on a range of different issues
Educate the wider community on how to develop and improve their support to revert sisters
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