As most of you know our son has autism. From the moment we got Sam (our dog) Jacob changed; he had a friend when things were tough. Sam is so laid back, but at the same time in tune with Jacob. He always goes to find Jacob if he 'bolts'. He goes to Jacob during meltdowns and comforts him. He even helps him get dressed for school some days!
Through Paws (Parents Autism Workshops & Support) we have already learnt so much more as to how we can train Sam to be with Jacob and how we can use him to help Jacob with everyday tasks & routines, interrupt repetitive behaviours and aid him in transitions. Sam will also fulfil Jacob's sensory needs such as much needed deep pressure which helps to keep Jacob calm.
I cant recommended a dog for a family with autism enough! And through Paws and Dogs for the Disabled (Dogs for Good) they have helped us train our own family dog specifically to benefit our child with autism and the family as a whole.
I now want to raise money to help other families gain the benefit of having a trained dog like ours.