Baby Ada was born on 30/03/15 a beautiful bundle of perfection. At 4 weeks old Ada was still jaundice, she was seen by several medical professionals who all said not to worry, my mothers instinct told me otherwise and thankfully I found the amazing CLDF online and their information told me that jaundice at 4 weeks was in fact something to worry about. Within 7 days Ada was diagnosed with biliary atresia a chronic liver disease and underwent a 7 hour operation to try and restore bile flow from her liver. This operation can only be performed in the first 12 weeks of life beyond that the liver is too badly damaged and the only hope is a transplant. Awareness of this disease along with other childhood disease is poor and CLDF are doing an amazing job at trying to improve this. As a mum I am really struggling with my baby girls diagnosis and the prospect that one day it's highly likely she is going to need a liver transplant and feel I need to try and turn this negative situation into a positive and try and raise some money for this amazing charity so they can continue their fabulous work and raise awareness and educate professionals and new parents so these diseases are caught as early as possible and these babies have the best possible chance of saving their livers. Hopefully none of my friends will ever have to go through what we are going through but if you do CLDF are an incredible support. So with this I ask you to help me in giving a little something back, the smallest of donation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this x Ada's mummy x