Thank you for visiting my page-I am organing this Charity fancy dress party along side Jason Tomkewycz/Charlotte and Nathan Wilson.
We would like to raise awareness and as much money as possible for Cherish Wrecsam/Cruse Bereavement care/Wrexham hospital neonatal unit.
As two couples we have experienced both positive and negative outcomes in life and really feel these charities need our support- alot of the things they do are funded and voluntary base so they really depend on our donations to help them provide support and facilities for others.
I can imagine most people have needed these causes or similar or know someone who has.We all have tough times in life and during these times we need family,friends,medical support and care.Without these things,our lives would be very different.Please donate to our chosen causes-It will mean so much to them and to us.
Thank you so much.