There are no doubts that we are living in a world full of need. By need I do not mean a new car every few years or another pair of shoes. By need I mean enough nutritious food, a safe place to live and the opportunity to make choices and to be treated with equality.
I deeply believe that it is our responsibility to stand up for those who are not as privileged as us.
I deeply believe that no one should be discriminated against, despite their race, nationality, abilities or gender.
I deeply believe that we have enough resources to ensure that all people have enough food, are safe and have rights to make choices and follow their paths.
All we need to do is to open our hearts without prejudice and do our best to make this world a better place.
I have been working at Grace Eyre for close to two years now. Working with people with learning disabilities, I have learnt not how different we are but how much we have in common. The one difference is people with learning disabilities do not have as much freedom as we do to make their own choices.
Grace Eyre is a place to empower people with learning disabilities. It is a place where people can explore their talents, develop their interests, learn practical skills and establish meaningful friendships.
Grace Eyre is a place where people are supported if they choose to move out from residential housing and get as much independence as possible. Grace Eyre is a place where people are encouraged to take risks, to explore and to achieve their dreams.
Our committed team works extremely hard to make sure that our clients are satisfied, that their voices are being heard and their talents are being full filled. Unfortunately times are hard at the moment and funding for charities is at risk. With a number of government services being shut down, a lot of people with learning disabilities are stuck without viable alternatives. Stuck in their homes without the opportunities to go out, stuck in their lives. Lonely and desperate.
That is the main reason why I decided to fundraise for Grace Eyre. Because I deeply believe that places like our Charity make a difference. Because I see that Grace Eyre makes a difference.