Like most people I probably never gave the homeless a second thought. They were either a nuisance, scrounges who didn't want to work or foreigners over here just for the benefits. So why, you may ask, am I going to sleep out on the streets of Manchester (Manchester of all places) in the cold and rain to raise money?
About a year ago my wife, Julie started to volunteer at the Cornerstone Homelsss Centre. I was petrified that she wouldn't make it through the first day and would end up hurt or sold into slavery! She did survive and came home a changed woman, it was love at first sight. Life in the raw, helping people who for whatever reason have fallen through the net . The stories she tells of mental and physical illness, addiction or just plain bad luck opened my eyes.
God knows I have many weaknesses myself but I am incredibly lucky to have a fantastic wife and family, a house to call my own and a career that I am proud of. One wrong turn though and this could be me.
That's why I'm supporting Cornerstone, to put a roof over someone's head next winter. True lily a worthy cause.