On the 8th of March, we are off to Delhi to volunteer for the charity Asha. Asha is an amazing organisation that is truly committed to transforming lives in the slums of New Delhi. They tackle issues that keep slum dwellers trapped in poverty through empowering slum communities with education, health and building projects. Their over-arching goal is to create long-term positive change for the lives of those in the slums.
As volunteers we will be supporting the English Literacy Programme where we will be working with children in one of Asha'a slum centers teaching basic spoken and written English. All the money we raise will go directly to the charity towards putting students in the slums through University. You will be amazed to hear that just £450 covers the entire admission, preparation process and all University expenses for one student for one year. Including University preparation workshops, University tuition fees, course books and new clothes so that they do not feel out of place when at University .
For more information about Asha visit their website at: greatly appreciate any donations big or small as it will make a huge difference to the lives of the students in the slums.
Thank you so much :)
Grace and Fabi x