Our son Harry arrived rather unexpectedly 2 months early and is with us today as a healthy 6 month old due to the fantastic care and help he received from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) team at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.
The NICU is not somewhere you usually know anything about until you find yourself in need of their help. Harry stayed on the NICU for almost 5 weeks and we were unable to take him home for this time. The only reason we were able to leave him at the hospital every night was down to the care and attention he received from the NICU team.
This amazing team deals with premature babies and their anxious, unprepared parents with care, compassion and love and we can never thank them enough for how they cared for Harry and us. They care for over 850 premature babies a year in their intensive care, high dependancy and special care units.
Having a baby for an extended stay on the NICU is a traumatic start to parenthood and the team were so caring towards us as parents and accepted our 3am phone calls night after night to check on Harry with nothing but care and compassion.
We owe them a debt we can never repay however we hope this fundraising event will help them to continue to provide unwaveringly support for premature babies and their parents.
Thank you for kind donations.