Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
I've been hugely fortunate in my career to have been educated by some of the UK's most knowledgeable tutors in Animal Science. As a career all Technicians enter this world to care for and look after the animals they work with. Education on the use of animals in science and how to identify ways to improve the welfare of these animals speaks to the very heart of the Technician.
AS-ET seeks to fund the education of Animal Technicians and along with the College of Laboratory Animal Science and Technology they have developed a series of formal qualifications up to and beyond Level 6 (Degree Level). This helps to improve the understanding of science, care and welfare involving animals allowing young and more mature students to gain the most they can from a really rewarding career.
So to add my small amount of support to AS-ET I have taken up the challenge of running the Great North Run this year followed by the Great Bristol Half marathon two weeks later. I'm setting a personal target of completing it in under two hours having only managed a 1/2 marathon in 2hrs 8Mins previously. I'll keep you all updated but in the mean time if you can donate a small (or large!) amount I would be hugely thankful on behalf of AS-ET.
All the best,