Friends and Family,
As many of you know, over the past 3 years I've fallen head over heels in love with Africa. Its sights, smells, sounds, animals, air - it's breathtaking and intoxicating, but unfortunately also heartbreaking. Many of the magnificent species that I have come to cherish are in dire straights. None more so than the Rhinos. These gentle, almost jurassic looking creatures have been poached at an alarming rate for the use of their horns. Due to its size and strength, the rhino really has no true predator in the wild - its single, biggest threat is the human race.
I am running for the Africa Foundation for its initiative called 'Rhinos Without Borders.' This is a partnership between the Africa Foundation (funded by andBeyond travel, the wonderful ecotourism company that has accommodated and guided me through all my Africa travels) and Great Plains Conservation. This initiative seeks to relocate 100 rhinos from the unsafe parks of South Africa into the lands of Botswana. Botswana as a nation is much more protective of its wildlife, and due to its stringent anti-poaching policies, is much more of a safe haven for Rhinos.
The time for action is now, as the poaching rates have reached a critical inflection point where poaching has overtaken the species' ability to replace itself via reproduction.
Your donation/sponsorship/support is greatly appreciated.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
For more information: