Hi all. Thank you so much for visiting this page. As you know Ivy has become a very much loved, albeit, loud part of our lives. However, not long before we were blessed with her, we were blessed with another tiny precious bundle who, sadly we never got to meet. Although it was fairly early on in the pregnancy, the miscarriage affected both of us profoundly and with the help of our beloved friends and family, we would like to dedicate the a Baptism of Ivy, not only to Ivy, but to the beautiful little life that we were blessed with so briefly, because if it wasn't for him/her, we would never have Ivy. For that, we cherish him/her.
David and I were so lucky to have the help of SCIM. Their team of counsellours work tirelessly with families to help them come to terms with their loss. They also campign for more research to be carried out into the causes of miscarriage.As they are a charity, they rely on donations. This unique type of counselling is sadly not available to families through the NHS.
Again, thank you so much for your love and friendship. we're so very lucky to have such wonderful friends and family around us. We hope you can join us on the day.
Joanne, David, Mairi and Ivy. Xxx