My son Joshua at 8 months old got diagnosed with a rare life limitng illness we was told Joshua would be lucky to reach the age of 5! that there was no treatments or cures and to make the most of Joshua . we was told at school age Joshua will loose his basic skills to then his abilty to walk, swallow, his memory and even worse his life !
Niemann Pick disease is so rare our fundraising provides us with a clinical nurse specialist, support for suffering families and most importantly research in finding a cure .
We set up our own appeal team called Joshuas Hope and Paul Mcsherry and his team 'Total action Wrestling' contacted us offering there help in organising a charity wrestling match , we are very excited to be part of there event .
All details are on our event page once paid your ticket please can you email me on fb or peronal email with your name address so wecan arrange sending your tickets ,
Joshua me and 'Total action' look forward to seeing you on a funfilld evening for all the family to enjoy :)