Hello All
I am again helping Trinity's Team with this year's Big Sleep Out at Winchester Cathedral.
I am retiring as a Trustee for Trinity Winchester this autumn and am asking you to help me raise a huge amount for Trinity in my last year as a Trustee. As with all charities working with the vulnerable, obtaining the necessary funds is becoming more difficult while demands for our services increases.
Trinity provides invaluable support for the local homeless and vulnerably housed. It helps people to find and keep a home and also provides training and assistance in finding a job.
In the last year:
483 people used Trinity's Drop in service of which 265 were newcomers and 161 were young people between 16 - 24
Trinity helped 109 people to find accomodation
Trinity delivered nearly 3000 advice sessions of which half were related to housing
172 vulnerable people accessed health care facilities through Trinity
In addition Trinity provided support to 107 women made vulnerable by domestic violence and abuse.
Every penny raised goes to support vulnerable people.