I'm trying to fly around the world in a very light aircraft (classed in the UK as a microlight) in order to raise money for my chosen Cancer charity.
I set off in May 2016 (without knowing if the Japanese would let me through) and unfortunately only got as far as the Middle East. Temperatures in excess of 40c caused a few problems (higher inside the aircraft) and the final straw (after the propeller stopped spinning above the desert but before the urine infection and the disorientating dehydration) was anxieties about the aircraft battery dying (no flight instruments or navigation kit) and more worries about Vapour lock and something called "preignition", which cracks open the engine.
The region was experiencing a mini heatwave (not to mention it's nearly a war zone) and my next stop was India where folk were dying in temperatures beyond 50c. So discretion being the better part of valour, I turned around and flew back. I'll try again in 2017.
The story of the flight can be found on Facebook.... Copy the link into your browser and you can see what I went through.
In general I'm trying my utmost to fulfill a promise I made to my deceased dad by flying RTW & raise money for a good cause at the same time...
As background.... Other than the dozen pictures you can see if you scroll down in this section you'll see links to Facebook pictures of my Alp's, Round Britain Rally and Canada trips. There's also a few pictures of other folk I've flown around.
The Canada story is available to buy on Amazon. If you're interested please search for "Decision Height by Jon Hilton". The online edition costs £4.79 and all the royalties (approx £1.92) are going to the charity. The language in the book is my own and it's occasionally "colourful". ie. I went through hell.
With everything hopefully you'll get the impression that I'm a reasonably experienced flyer. I am not a commercial pilot though, I just fly for fun.
Jon Hilton, Director, Legal Brokers Ltd,
Flying stuff....
As mentioned I'm trying to orbit the globe in my little microlight but mild headaches with the Japanese, Russians, Danes, the route, fuel, picking up 3rd party insurance.... are causing a few ongoing dilemma's.
Hence I've satisfied myself with a few jaunts to Lands End, John O'Groats, Northern Ireland, Eire, the Scillies, Isle of Man, Channel Islands, France, Holland, Germany, Austria, Faroe's, Iceland, Greenland & Canada.
The aircraft is called G-CGIZ. The various links, below, will take you to my Facebook page. I will grant you the aircraft has a damn silly registration name...
There's pic's of my 2012 trip to the Alps here. With all the snaps you may need to log onto Facebook.
There's pictures of myself and David Gaskell "competing" in the Round Britain Microlight Rally (21st to 23rd June 2012) stored at Round Britain Microlight Rally. We got lucky and, thanks to David's dependability, we won the GPS category of the event. Which was nice.
For those who are aware of my slightly insane 2013 trip to Canada (apparently I'm the first person to take a microlight from the UK to Canada... and come back) there's photo's here.... Canadian Adventure .
I don't have pictures for everyone who's been aloft but there's a couple of pic's of guys who have at Aviators.
If you want to hear me you could head to A very nice chap thought it might be worth recording me. I believe I'm episode 58 (as of November '13 approximately 1,500 folk have listened, worldwide, apparently) and it covers The Round Britain Rally, The Alps & the Feeter incident.
Justgiving doesn't seem to allow links to be added to the site anymore hence if you cut & paste you'll hear my ramblings.
There's also a follow up Podcast covering Canada. It's not quite as cheerful because I was scared witless most of the time...
If you're thinking of flying and wonder what it's like I have two videos for you. The first is a landing at a place called Sywell. Quite a gentle affair, although the runway's quite flat so that flatters my work a little. Sywell landing on Youtube.
One last video was taken of a landing at Glenforsa on the Isle of Mull. April 2013... Gusty crosswind. Lot of "sink" before the threshold. Tight circuit to avoid overflying villages. Lot's of curious geese... After we'd landed the airfield owner came over, seemed impressed with the RT and touch down, and asked which airline I flew for. Cheered me up no end. Enjoy.... Glenforsa.
There's a general collection of snaps at GIZ World Tour. The photo's are a generic look at all my flying experiences in the aircraft.
In summary if you, family members, friends, colleagues (etc) donate, say £25.00, to charity I'll gladly fly you around as a thanks... Please text me on 07746 184198 & I'll confirm a flying date.