Walk the World is Informa’s global fundraising initiative when hundreds of colleagues from around the world collectively walk thousands of miles to raise money for a number of Charity Partners. For full details visit or track how much we have raised so far across the Group on the Informa Group JustGiving Page.
Informa’s Knowledge & Networking Division creates and builds
communities, by connecting people and through sharing knowledge and insights. It has chosen to partner with Global Angels for Walk the World, reflecting its focus on transforming disadvantaged communities around the world.
Global Angels is a worldwide charity that helps transform communities by giving them the resources they need to thrive. It helps develop long-term, sustainable solutions by looking at the whole community, working on each level to develop and resource them in such a way that the community is then able to become self-sufficient and keep on transforming itself. Community development projects provide a wide range of resources, such as safe drinking water, education, school feeding programs and healthcare. It is particularly active in African and Asia.