We're just a bunch of guys and girls that have all, in our own individual ways, been effected by blood borne cancers. Along our journeys, we have all had the good fortune to come in to contact with a Charity that has touched our lives in a way that we will never forget.
LEAF Charity has made a difference to us guys in so many different ways however, the thing that really matters is this: LEAF is able to continue making a difference to the guys and girls that it reaches out to. That is why we are doing frills, no fancy shit - just a bunch of your average day to day people jumping on rusty old bikes, with rusty old limbs in an attempt to raise a few quid in order to give a little bit back to life.
If I've learnt anything in this weird and wonderful thing that is life, it's back is full of richness and reward....will we be saying that when we're on our creaky old bikes with our creaky old joints pedaling up hill with our creaky old lungs in our mouths?!! Lol!!!