In India, 7 million children do not go to school. Educate for Life is an independent charity that has set up Hunar Ghar - the first school in the rural Rajasthani village of Bakhel.
Hunar Ghar now provides reliable education and healthcare for the local community.
I have been living and working in the village since January as part of a 7 month project-based internship.
My project is all about Special Educational Needs (SEN). The aim of this is to develop teacher and classroom practice which makes the school a more inclusive, involving and engaging place for all children to learn, regardless of their individual needs.
I am currently designing and preparing a training day which I will hold in June for all teachers (in Hindi!), before the start of the new academic year.
I am also starting up breakfast club, which from July will provide all 400 children with a nutritious meal every morning before school starts. This is a significant cost for the school, and we are therefore grateful for any donations made.
- £1 provides a child breakfast at school everyday for a month!
- £100 provides 400 children with breakfast everyday for a week!
If anyone knows of any school, business or individual who might be interested in sponsoring the Hunar Ghar Breakfast Club, please get in contact!
I still have a lot of preparation and organizing to do. Working in a place with limited amenities, technology and resources is not without its challenges. However by the end of my time here I hope I can help children and teachers overcome some of the many barriers to learning they experience.
To find out more check out my blog: