Leeds Community Foundation has launched a grant scheme for individuals and charitable projects who have been affected by the floods. Click here for more information. Click here for more information.
The devastation caused by the flooding in Leeds since Boxing Day 2015 has been widely publicised. Individuals, families, businesses, charities and community projects have all been affected. Some people have had to leave their homes and belongings as it is not safe to stay. Community groups and charities have had their premises badly damaged as well as losing valuable equipment and goods. They quickly need to find somewhere else to operate from so they can continue providing support for local people. Businesses have seen stock ruined and are not able to trade at all until they are back on their feet.
Over time insurance will cover many of the costs but people need help now. To clean up. To buy emergency supplies. To find temporary accommodation. To replace ruined goods and equipment.
Any donations you make will be used to provide financial support for the most vulnerable in Leeds. Please do give as generously as you can.