My 13 year old son, Etienne, died by suicide on Monday 7th December 2015. He was a successful, talented and beautiful boy who brought joy to everyone he met. He sometimes felt overwhelmed, despite all appearances that he was coping. His family and friends want to assist other young people who may be 'beyond blue' or are in crisis.
It was hard to get Etienne out to walk, but once he got going, there was
no stopping him! I miss him every single second and I don’t want any other child to ever do what he did and ever feel as bad as he must have felt. Your donation to PAPYRUS will help other kids; there is no doubt about it.
Our HOPEWalk is on Sunday 9th October. Being sponsored on this walk will help extend the hours of PAPYRUSs national helpline, HOPELineUK, as well as train more people across the country as suicide first-aiders.
By taking part in our walk within the national HOPEWalk or making a donation, you will be sending a powerful message to young people struggling in our community to raise awareness that there is hope and help available.
Thank you so much.
Lindsay Merrony