Thank you for visiting this Just Giving page. You can donate through this page with a credit card or post a cheque to me at the House of Lords direct.
We have decided to conduct yet another fundraising and membership drive to build the support base of the NCF. You are an important part of us.
William and his team at NCF is currently still devoting itself to the Syria question, both at second track level to promote dialogue for peace (as is the NCF’s forte) and by acting as a source for credible information. As you know William and the other great workers at the NCF, supported by you, devote every possible second, uniquely and subtly, to further the work of increasing understanding and developing points of contact others can’t achieve in the Middle East and other conflict areas. Help if you can by joining the NCF. Send me a cheque for £100 or $100 or whatever you can you afford and we will add your name as a subscribing member. Cheques payable to The NCF and addressed to me,
The Lord Stone of Blackheath,
House of Lords, Westminster,
London SW1A 1AA
Alternatively just donate using this JustGiving page. We need your help. It is not just the Syria program we need to promote. Our work on Palestine and Israel is close to my own heart and must continue. The NCF is now working on the Middle East Peace Process again, promoting the idea of a comprehensive peace process predicated on a phased implementation of the Abdullah Plan.
The Kingdom of Bahrain is yet another NCF priority, as is Iraq. As is all the NCF work on Libya, Sudan and Iran.
For more information on subscribing or about the NCF’s work please address any correspondence to Do help if you can. We would be so grateful.
Yours ever,