Last year we sent Ryan Edwards, who has a neuroblastoma, to Disneyland Paris for the weekend before Christmas with his parents. After seeing the photos, I wanted to organise an event so that we could do this on a bigger scale every Christmas.
THHN do such an amazing job and it's great being able to do this together to send 2 families this year. Sadly, for one of the children this is likely to be their only Christmas making this even more special. The packages that we are giving the families includes travel, hotels and park tickets for 4 days from the Friday until the Monday.
On Sunday 16th November we are competing against a THHN team in 8 events. The 4 athletics events will be held at Exeter Arena at 10am and the 4 team events will take place at Torquay Boys' Grammar School from 1pm (7S TAG RUGBY, 7 A SIDE FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL, TUG OF WAR).
All donations will be greatly appreciated and we have already had considerable contributions from Interline and the Herald Express as well as TBGS letting us use their facilities for a token gesture.
Spectators are welcome throughout!!!
(Owner of Peak Performance Gyms)