Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
Layton Lightowler was born on 17 February 2012 it was known that he required an operation on his bowel as soon as he was born. However the bowel and small intestine had died in him during pregnancy. He was transferred to palliative care at the Transitional Care Unit, Bradford Royal Infirmary. Here he received much love and dedication from the staff before he passed away 1 March aged two weeks. Nicola and Gareth Lightowler stopped in the family room to be with Layton. It is our intention to update the family room and make it more ‘homely’ for other families.
The ‘Three Amigos’ Martin Glynn and Malcolm plus other family members intend to cycle the Leeds Liverpool canal a distance of 127 miles over the Diamond Jubilee weekend to raise funds for the Transitional Care Unit at the BRI.
Your support for this cause would be very much appreciated. All monies collected will be handed over to the BRI.
If you require any further information please contact Malcolm Lightowler at
Hello to all the friends and relatives who have donated to this cause. Char who set up the website has been thanking you on behalf of all of us taking part. She has also uploaded a picture of Layton. We have five days to go before we start the cycle from Liverpool to Leeds via the canal 127 miles in total. This idea originally started out as a bit of a celebration for one of the participants (60th Birthday) and he wanted to cycle the Leeds Liverpool canal to celebrate his birthday. To date there has been over £455 raised via the just giving website, and other donations/pledges are roughly estimated at around £500. A cheque has already been sent from the funeral directors to the BRI for £264.97 which was collected at the Nab Wood service. We initially aimed to raise £1,000 so we have broken that barrier with still other donations to come plus a charity event which is being held at the Prince of Wales over the Jubilee weekend. There are six of us doing this event with Michael having just landed from Dubai to take part. The dedication of some folk!
I will write again to you after the event with hopefully a final amount plus any stories that might happen on the cycle.
Once again many thanks for your kind donation which we feel those at the Transitional Care Unit at the BRI will benefit and use wisely.
Many thanks indeed to all of you who have donated. We completed the cycle from Liverpool to Leeds in 18 hours and 45 minutes. We had some bad weather including hailstone and parts of the track were so muddy it was like cycling through thick black treacle, but we did it. We will upload some pictures later so please feel free to return to this site and look at them. We aimed for £1000 but with offline donations which still have to come in it looks like we have surpassed that figure. Many thanks for all you efforts and we will endeavour to update the site with the final figure and also inform you how we gone on with the Transitional Care Unit at the BRI.