This October I will uncharacteristically go sober for the entire month, in order to raise money for the BMCRC Benevolent Fund.
I really liked the idea of the Macmillan Go Sober event, however I wanted to donate to something more personal.
I've been part of the British Motorcycle Racing Club family for four years now, and have loved every minute off track just as much as I have on.
I wanted to show my gratitude to this great club by raising money for the Benevolent Fund, which could help one my fellow riders if the worst was to happen. This also contributes to medical equipment that can be immediately accessible at trackside rather than at the nearest hospital, which could be the make or break of a bad situation.
Thank you so much for your contribution to this fund.
See below for BMCRC's full story;
For many years the Club has run a Benevolent Fund, it's a Registered Charity (no 213308) and its purpose is to look after the needs of our Members, often fallen riders, but not always. We tend not to publish the payments the Fund might make to riders behind the scenes as the circumstances of those concerned are quite private.
It could be that a rider has had a bad accident whilst at a Club meeting, it could be a Member who was injured elsewhere. They might be self-employed, they might have other circumstances that warrant our assistance.
The Club often gets to hear of the plight of people through a call or a conversation with a friend or acquaintance of the rider concerned. It's rare that we will contact the rider directly, we simply make arrangements to help, often with a cash payment. Sometimes we buy equipment to help people, sometimes the Fund buys equipment to help riders at the track, most commonly medical items.
Throughout the year you will come across events and initiatives that people have put together specifically to raise money for the BMCRC Benevolent Fund. Cash raised is routed through to the Fund's account. People also sometimes raise funds away from the track and arrange for the payments to be forwarded.
These days we have some initiatives that are arranged through the "Just Giving" Website where you can support a specific initiative that aids the Ben Fund or where you can directly donate to the Fund on-line. The benefit here is that the Just Giving people sort out all the admin involved in claiming Gift Aid on donations on our behalf, which adds another 20% plus to the donations.