We are a group of young people taking part in the social action phase of the National Citizen Service, trying to raise money for Leigh House adolescent's mental health hospital in Winchester, Hampshire. We are completing a 5k run and a 7k relay swim between us, and would like to be sponsored with anything you could possibly offer.
The hospital could do with more art supplies and sports equipment, as although those using the services receive excellent care, the hospital often does not have the funds to entertain them and give them activities to fill their days. We plan to raise funds to buy them these supplies.
As NCS is a short programme, we plan to raise the funds before Friday the 5th of August. Therefore, contributions are needed as soon as possible.
We believe that mental health is an overlooked, yet sadly underfunded issue within the NHS and our social support system. For this reason, we feel raising both funds for and awareness of mental illness is important.
Thank you for reading, any help would be greatly appreciated.