As you know we work for the amazing charity Rain Rescue, a charity based in South Yorkshire saving dogs and cats from crisis situations. We are raising money to help improve the kennels.
Every year hundreds of abandoned dogs and cats arrive at Rain Rescue with nowhere else to go. Some have been separated from their families for the first time or given up as they can no longer be cared for and some have been found wandering the streets, sometimes in a terrible and heartbreaking conditions
Rain Rescue takes in these animals, giving them all they need to get them on the road to a fantastic new forever home. However, our kennels are basic and need major improvements.
We need to urgently raise enough money to update the kennels to ensure they continue to aid these desperate animals for many years to come.
On New Years Eve, we (Nicola and Lauren) are going to be spending a night in the kennels to experience first-hand what it’s like for the dogs here at RAIN. Although we are not looking forward to the conditions, the cold, the sleepless, very uncomfortable night, we are looking forward to raising much needed funds for our four-legged friends.
Thank you for donating whatever you can to help us reach our target.