Thank you for visiting this Just Giving site
As we celebrate our wedding with you we are honoured and humbled that you would kindly wish to buy us a gift.
However, at this point in our lives we have been entirely blessed by our Heavenly Father, not just because we have each other and our families and our health, but that we have been given all that we need in our material lives.
We would therefore respectfully request that you consider donating the money you would have spent on a wedding present to a charitable organisation very close to our hearts ie The Survivors Trust.
We ask, please, that you take time to view The Survivors Trust website to fully understand their wonderful mission statement, but in short they are an amazing Charity that helps, in whatever way they can, survivors of rape, sexual violence or childhood sexual abuse.
Naomi in fact works for the Charity and they need all the support in these difficult financial times that they can get. So, please help us help them and then as a consequence have a positive and potent impact on all the lives of those who seek their help due to extreme and difficult circumstances and situations.
All those who work for the Trust and affiliate themselves with the Trust, do an absolutely wonderful job and have to continue that work, because sadly the issue never ever goes away. So they need all the support they can get, and Naomi has a remarkable insight into these awful situations that men, woman and children find themselves in because she speaks to many of them in her role with the Trust as it attempts to help.
So, if you wish to honours us with a gift, we would like to now thank you from the bottom of our hearts but respectfully request that instead of buying a present, that you please donate the money you intended to spend to this fantastic organisation.
We have more than we could ever need, so by doing so you are allowing us to give a little back by way of thanks because we are in this fortunate position.
If you are a tax payer please remember to complete a gift aid declaration so we can squeeze extra funding from your donation from the Government too.
Thank you so much.
With much love.
Malcolm and Naomi.