I'm a member of Cambridge Community Church ( C3 ). They are in the process of constructing their very own building in the heart of Cambridge. This Centre will be used to host a range of activities and programmes, from Sunday morning church celebrations to serving the wider community of Cambridge. This building will be a hub of so much positivity and community influence.
You have several options of giving:
1) Donate without choosing a print.
2) Choose and pay for a print from my gallery.
Prices are as follows:
'4×6' = £35.00
'6×8' = £55.00
'12×8' £70.00
Package offers:
5x '4×6' = £65.00
3x '6×8' = £80.00
3x '12×8' £95.00
1x £65.00
I can order mounts and frames for your prints but this would have to be worked out depending on your needs.
I am open to requests and I will be taking new images through the year
Just so you know that I make no money from this fund-raiser at all - all the profit goes to C3