Project Batsirai was started as part of the Zimbabwe's Forgotten Children Education Program. We started working with 29 children in a township in Zimbabwe, whose lives have been torn apart from losing their parents to HIV/AIDS. They have now been left in the care of extended family who cannot afford to support themselves - let alone more children.
Most of the children are severely malnourished, spend their days working and have health problems which can easily be sorted out with just a little care. We have tried to give these children hope by getting them back into learning at school, giving them uniforms, stationery, food hampers and medical attention so they have the chance at a better future.
You can see images on this page of just a few of the little souls we are working with.
We need your help to see these children through 2013 and fulfil our promises to them. YOU can give hopeless children the chance to dream again, and provide the light at the end of a very dark and frightening tunnel.
Please give whatever you can and spread the word of Zimbabwe's Forgotten children.
Thank you!