You can donate on the JustGiving site or you can text your donation. For e.g. text 'WNHS51 £5' (without quote marks & with a space in between the code plus the amount you wish to donate) to 70070.
My auntie Carol Haynes passed away in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) aged 51 on the 4th of May 2016 after a short battle against multiple organ failure at Walsall Manor Hospital.
I am trying to raise money for the trust's charitable fund in her memory - for doing a good job looking after her before she died.
The goal is £250 but of course more is always welcome!
I've been inspired to be as fit as healthy as I can possibly be so I am going to to be doing a sponsored weight loss challenge starting on the 9th of May 2016.
I am aiming to lose 70 lbs by 31st of December 2016 so please dig deep and donate what you can, even if it's only a pound it all adds up.
Many thanks,
Scott Haynes.