It has been 5 years since Frank's tragic death and it was our intention to keep the trust going for a finite period of time but we feel that we have indentified some incredible charities and that the money given has had such an impact that we have decided to continue it for as long as we can. The lastest FHMT newsletter is on the link below.....
March 2011 marked the 5th anniversary of Frankʼs death. It is amazing how quickly time passes. We discussed
forming a Trust in Frankʼs name later that year, and established it in 2007. It is wonderful for Frankʼs memory,
for us and for hundreds of young people in East London that the Frank Haines Memorial Trust is still going
strong, over four years later. This achievement has been possible thanks to the generous donations that have
been made, both directly to the Trust and indirectly, via sponsorship of runners, cyclists and walkers over the
last few years.
All of these donations of time and money make a huge difference to the lives of the young people being
supported by our six supported charities. As a number of the charity representatives have mentioned to us, the
August 2011 riots were a graphic reminder of how boredom and lack of safe, sociable after-school activities
can quickly lead teenagers towards more dangerous and anti-social alternatives. The goal of the Trust – to
support deprived young people in East London – is becoming more urgent than ever .....