<p>The Saving Tiny Lives Appeal will enable the new Special Care Baby Unit at Frimley Park Hospital to offer the best equipment in a more comfortable environment for the sickest and most vulnerable of newborn infants and their families. A big part of this is making sure that more services are available on site so families don't have to be sent long distances for specialist treatments.</p>
<p>With your help, we can change these little lives and give families fewer sleepless nights.</p>
<p>Year on year, the number of babies born at Frimley is increasing. So much so that we anticipate there will be 6,000 babies born at Frimley Park each year by 2013. The increase in the number of births has meant that our current special care baby unit (SCBU) has outgrown its current premises and will be moving into a much larger space in 2012 adjacent to our maternity unit.</p>
<p>We wish to take this opportunity to turn our new neonatal unit into a centre of excellence for the sickest and most vulnerable newborn infants. At the same time we want to deliver a high quality family centred service and help the babies' parents to care for them in those vital first few days and weeks.</p>
<p>Thank you for your considered support.</p>