In 2012, Larchfield Charity Organisation was established by James Berry working together with a philanthropic Tanzanian group as a Tanzanian charitable entity. Larchfield’s objective is to serve the desperate plight of the increasing numbers of Tanzanian orphans and children who have been abandoned by their parents and other family members through disease, or other incapacity to maintain the family unit. At present, there are only limited facilities in place in Tanzania to care for and educate these children in a suitable environment. A few children – if they are fortunate enough to be taken in by a foster family – only enjoy a second class status which involves being subordinate to and working for their host family. Other children, who are unable to find a foster family, are effectively abandoned, have to fend for themselves, and too often become victims of abuse. In Mkuranga district, one hour south of Dar-es-Salaam, there are numerous children in this position. The community and local government presently lack the resources to remedy the situation.
To serve the needs of this district, it was decided to register a children’s home and school called ‘Larchfield’, to serve as a happy, safe and secure environment for Tanzanian children in need. The objective is to build and operate a purpose-built children’s home and school for children aged 3-16 years.