For those of you who know me well, this may come as a shock! But for those of you who know me saw this on the cards!
I have been coerced, nay-encouraged to take part in the New Forest Marathon on 11 September. I won't be alone in this endeavour as my beautiful and wonderfully encouraging wife, Clara, is joining me. Through our training and the marathon itself we will run 500 miles each to get across the finish line.
I am raising money for Mosac, a charity I feel passionate about. Mosac supports the non abusing parent or carers of sexually abused children. It's a vital service that supports the child by supporting their parent or carer. If you would like to know more please visit
I would like to ask for your support, by sponsoring me. My first donation came in an envelope (20 pence a mile) and I could not have been happier. I would like to thank you, in advance, for your support and promise to keep you updated on our progress but, sorry, no ice bath photos!
Lots of love,
Sharon & Clara x